2022 is a lot of fun "Tiger"

2022/02/01 10:33

2022 is a lot of fun "Tiger"

As the years go by, time passes by, and the year 2021 has gradually gone, leaving us with a scene of heartfelt memories. A new year is always full of new trust and new hopes, and the brand new year 2022 is coming with a brand new attitude. In the year of history, China's economy will write a new chapter, with the new media platform, I want to thank the past year of hard work of the family of Tianyu machinery, thank you for your efforts and company, on the occasion of the New Year, I wish you a happy New Year, all the best!

Enterprise is the cornerstone of China's economy, Tianyu Machinery as a traditional manufacturing enterprise, grasp the post-epidemic economy and industry trends, has been adhering to the "excellence, the pursuit of excellence" of the original intention, always believe that "product quality is the core competitiveness", adhere to high-quality Development concept, in 2021, we have achieved outstanding results.

In 2021, Tianyu Machinery has launched a series of products such as powder silo top-mounted mixing plant and high-end mixing plant.

In the current market saturation, overcapacity and rising cost pressures in China's mixing plant industry, Tianyu Machinery has been able to maintain a high quality and steady development in the increasingly fierce competition in the mixing plant industry with its strong differentiation and product strength to occupy a significant market share.

concrete mixing plant

In 2021, Tianyu Machinery took intelligent technology as a guide to improve its own management level, while updating and upgrading the original enterprise management structure. 2022, Tianyu Machinery will continue to invest more in the field of intelligent manufacturing, continuously improve the efficiency of internal operations, and comprehensively promote digital upgrading. Looking back on 2021, Tianyu Machinery has continued to plow deeper in strategy, products, team and management to achieve the synchronous improvement of the whole industrial chain of mixing plant, laying a stable foundation for sustained high-quality growth in 2022. 2022, I believe Tianyu Machinery will continue to follow the general trend, harvest the fruits of harvest as a pioneer and leader, and continue to contribute more strength to the high-quality development of China's machinery manufacturing industry.

concrete mixing plant

We believe that there is no higher mountain than people, there is no longer road than feet, all industry partners, let us watch each other in the new year, in the same boat, step by step, overcome all challenges, together to meet the beautiful 2022, and finally, I sincerely wish the majority of the community and all the family members of Tianyu Machinery good health, family happiness, Happy New Year!

concrete mixing plant