Commercial concrete quality problems, is it a technical problem or a management problem

2022/11/07 15:15

Commercial concrete quality problems, is it a technical problem or a management problem

  Commercial concrete has been developed in China for more than thirty years, especially in the past ten years or so, and it has developed very rapidly. In many places, it is basically all popularly used. However, in terms of the promotion of modern concrete technology application, we feel that we are still lagging behind. Most engineers and technicians, including supervisors, are still stuck in the original four-component, primitive concrete mindset. With the old way of approaching things, how will not have problems? However, many of the problems occurring now, despite the manifestation of technical problems, but its essence is the management.

  Quality control problems of raw materials

  Qualified and stable raw materials are the basis of quality assurance for the production of concrete. The testing room (technical department) is responsible for the task of material testing and reasonable mix ratio use, but the decision of material sign-off is in the material department. Not to mention the responsibility and ability of the material department personnel, for the supplier's "substandard and concealed" trick is hard enough to suffer. Businessmen are seeking to maximize the benefits, but the key to many businessmen have lost the basic "integrity". How many test lab (technical department) director can manage the material supply. The complexity and instability of the material supply determines the volatility of the quality of the concrete produced.

  Problems in the concrete production process

  There are many factors that affect the quality of concrete in the production process: the dispatcher's ability to deploy; the operator's responsibility and operation level; the factory inspector's responsibility and ability; the maintenance of the equipment by the mechanic, especially the regular calibration of the measuring equipment; and all the links including the loading truck and the transport of the mixer. Concrete production enterprise is a "chain", each link is very important. It is important to strengthen internal management (including pre-sales, tracking service, payment back, logistics) and to cooperate with each link in order to produce stable concrete.

  The problem of construction cooperation

  Commercial concrete is a kind of semi-finished product, which needs reasonable pouring, pounding, surface collection (especially emphasizing the second surface collection before the initial set) and maintenance (film coverage is recommended) at the construction site. Construction personnel concrete production enterprises can not control, many of them subcontracted units on-site construction personnel even general contracting units can not control (because now the labor force is expensive not to mention the concrete construction workforce is really not much). The site regardless of the size of the concrete slump, while putting the material while adding water phenomenon occurs, and when the mold needs to be demolished maintenance but no one watering. Sometimes the water is added to the concrete is discrete, discrete does not affect the quality of the concrete shadow, but if it causes pumping blockage is required to bear the increased labor costs of the commercial mix company to remove the pipe. The modern concrete user's perception and attitude determine the quality of the final concrete. Concrete is "vital", do not treat "it", "it" will not "thrive".

  Early demolition of the mold, the young age of the concrete is disturbed

  Now there is almost no project that does not rush the schedule, often less than ten hours after the concrete is poured (many times the concrete has not yet finalized) to start the construction of the previous layer. Contrary to the natural law of development of things will certainly get the corresponding punishment. So a large number of concrete cracks and water seepage phenomenon, although most cases do not affect the building structure, but in the use of function and durability greatly reduced. It is also contrary to the concept of energy conservation, emission reduction and sustainable development advocated.


  The above phenomenon results in the performance of quality problems, many times attributed to the responsibility of the concrete production enterprises laboratory (technical department). Ask these questions test laboratory (technical department) can be left and right? The qualification management of commercial concrete enterprises generally have enterprise qualification and laboratory qualification. General inspection of laboratory qualifications, to "testing organizations" in the form of inspection. I do not know the difference in the nature of the two, in terms of "sending samples, receiving samples, only responsible for samples, etc.", how to complete the enterprise test? Commercial concrete enterprise test laboratory is placed on the quality control of concrete production. Its personnel qualifications, quantity, technical level and the operation of the quality assurance system is the basic guarantee of the production of concrete quality. But only rely on the enterprise laboratory to control the quality is far from satisfied, its authority and ability are limited. The key is still to control the source of various influencing factors and links, so that each is responsible for their own.