Concrete mixing plant for dust protection improvement work

2022/06/07 11:22

Concrete mixing plant for dust protection improvement work

  Concrete is currently the most widely used and largest construction material in the world. With the accelerated urbanization process, commercial concrete has been rapidly promoted and applied, and the appearance of many construction sites has been greatly improved by the use of commercial concrete. With the wide use of ready-mixed concrete, how to do a good job of environmental protection in ready-mixed concrete mixing plant has become an important task of environmental protection. The following Huihong will start from the problems of the traditional mixing plant and put forward the concrete mixing plant to do a good job of environmental protection and the corresponding improvement measures.

Concrete mixing plant for dust protection improvement work

     Here today, we will explain to you: the response and improvement plan to do a good job in environmental protection: dust

     As dust pollution accompanies the whole process of concrete production, it has the most intuitive and rapid impact on the environment, which should be started from the whole process to reduce or eliminate the hidden danger of dust generation.

I. Adding automatic car washers in the plant.

        Concrete tankers, powder material trucks, sand and gravel trucks entering and leaving the plant should go through automatic car washers to achieve automatic cleaning and prevent dust from being brought out and brought into the plant.

Second, fully enclosed material yard and add automatic spraying system.

       1、Sand and gravel material yard is the place where more dust is generated in the mixing plant, and the process of unloading sand and gravel material can produce a lot of dust.

       2. The dust content of crushed stone is high, and it is easy to generate dust during storage and transportation, and the dust content of sand (especially the mechanism sand) is higher.

        3、The introduction of fully enclosed aggregate yard in the aggregate storage yard of commercial concrete mixing plant and the use of new building materials hollow bricks in the wall can not only make the dust during aggregate unloading not to be discharged into the surrounding environment, but also effectively reduce the noise pollution of engineering vehicles.

     4、Automatic spraying system should be set up at the import and export of the material yard and the location of the aggregate silo to prevent the dust from being brought in and out by the vehicles entering and leaving the material yard as well as the dust generated during the unloading process to further reduce the dust concentration.

     5、The upper part of the silo should also be set up with spraying facilities to prevent the dust generated during the production of loading.

C. Site hardening.

      The whole plant area (except green area) should be hardened to ensure the quality of raw materials and to reduce the dust caused by the bare wind.

IV. Totally enclosed mixing building.

       Aggregate should be conveyed in a fully enclosed way. For the large amount of dust at the interface between the pre-addition bucket and the inclined belt, special dust-removal equipment should be set up to centralize the processing and collection and then send it to the mixer for reuse. Once again the powder silo should also be fully enclosed structure, for the different feeding and discharging methods of the silo caused by the dust formed by the movement of the powder inside the tank using different dust removal equipment and methods to recycle and reuse it.

V. Feeding process research.

     Conduct experimental research on the feeding sequence and cross-feeding method of sand, stone, cement and water, etc., and come up with a set of best feeding process scheme to effectively reduce dust emission.