How to achieve reasonable scheduling of concrete mixing plant

2023/03/06 08:53

How to achieve reasonable scheduling of concrete mixing plant

First:  Internal transfer.

1. Know in advance the plan of the next day's production, the pouring part and the task quantity, so as to arrange the personnel and equipment in advance to better provide quality service to customers. 

2. Maintain close contact with external transfers and make use of the company's existing resources and equipment to improve equipment usage. 

3. when the request for opening tasks are numerous, when the vehicle equipment can not meet the supply, try to achieve friendly consultation with the customer, suspend the opening parts, and seek the consent of the customer; if the consultation fails, can consider renting out equipment to meet customer demand.

Second: External transfer.

The external investigation grasps the first-hand information of the construction situation on site, achieves close communication with the internal investigation, keeps a clear head and makes accurate judgment in the face of the intricate construction links on site.      

1. Normally strengthen the basic knowledge of the concrete profession, master the performance and characteristics of concrete, and apply them to the actual work. 

2. Deploy vehicles in a reasonable manner according to the progress of concrete pouring. Get a good grasp of the departure time and communicate with the internal transfer in a timely manner so as not to keep the material and not to charge the vehicle, thus saving the vehicle and fuel consumption and better serving other customers. 

3. When the concrete pouring operation comes to an end, make accurate replenishment of the square quantity, so as to achieve no surplus, no waste; for the waste of concrete construction on site, timely point out and stop; such as due to equipment and other objective factors caused by the waste, require the construction manager to sign the waste of the square quantity, and make a good record. 

4. To improve the collaborative relationship between the construction personnel on site, to make sure that the preparatory work before the concrete pouring operation is well prepared, and not to wait for the material trucks to arrive at the site without the preparatory work being done; at the same time, to anticipate the hidden safety hazards on site and ask the construction party to deal with them in advance, so as to eliminate the hidden safety hazards in a nascent state.