How to choose the cement of concrete mixing plant?

2023/04/20 16:54

  In the production process of concrete mixing plant, cement is one of the essential raw materials, and the quality of cement will directly affect the production quality of the mixing plant. So it is still important to pay attention to the selection of cement used in the mixing plant. The following is to share with you how to correctly select the mixing plant cement!

1. The performance of cement must meet the requirements of the current national standards, in particular, to maintain the homogeneity and stability of the product, chemical composition, fineness, strength level at each age, setting time, standard consistency of water requirements and other indicators can not have large fluctuations, especially the strength value can not be large fluctuations.

2. Concrete mixing plant cement mixing material varieties to match the amount of admixture should be scientific and reasonable; pay attention to the choice of gypsum varieties, pay attention to the control of the factory temperature of cement.

3. Concrete mixing plant in the preparation of concrete, water demand should be small, good fluidity, and good adaptability with additives; cement grinding not only to control the fineness (specific surface area) and to reasonably control the cement particle gradation and particle shape.

4. When the concrete has special requirements, special cement should be provided, such as low alkali requirements to provide low alkali cement; low heat requirements, the concrete mixing plant should apply low heat of hydration cement (such as: medium heat cement, low heat slag silicate cement).