How to determine the reasonable production scale of commercial mixing plant

2023/08/08 14:51

How to determine the reasonable production scale of commercial mixing plant, you need to know the following points

The actual production capacity of the mixing unit is related to the model of the unit (also known as continuous production capacity or theoretical production capacity), the size of the configured concrete mixing truck, and the speed of the concrete mixing truck in and out. Under the premise of reasonable vehicle configuration, the actual production capacity of the unit can be expressed in the following formula:

Q - the actual production capacity of the mixing unit (m3 / h)

V-the mixing volume of the mixing drum of the mixer truck (m3)

G-type of the unit (also known as continuous production capacity or theoretical production capacity) (m3/h)

t-concrete mixer truck in and out of the mixing unit time (h), generally take 0.05h

For example, the actual production capacity of 180 stations with 6-party mixer trucks, 9-party mixer trucks and 12-party mixer trucks is calculated to be 72m3/h, 90m3/h and 102.8m3/h, and the actual production capacity of 12-party mixer trucks is calculated to be 80m3/h and 102.8m3/h when they are matched with 120 stations and 180 stations respectively, which indicates that the larger the mixer trucks configured in the same mixing unit, the higher the production efficiency. This shows that the larger the mixer truck configured with the same mixer unit, the higher the production efficiency, and the larger the mixer unit configured with the same mixer truck, the higher the production efficiency.