How to select the concrete mixing plant?

2023/07/18 08:24

Selection points of concrete mixing plant

1. The performance standard of construction concrete; thus to choose what kind of mixing host. Such as water conservancy projects must choose the forced mixing host. In addition, according to the type of concrete materials can be mixed batching plant and storage silo.

2. Construction of concrete task volume and its duration; with these two parameters to choose with what specifications of the mixing plant. Set the total amount of concrete tasks for M; concrete pouring days for T; the number of hours of work per day for H; the use of coefficient for K, then the specifications should be selected mixing plant X = M / (T * H * K), of which K is 0.7-0.9. In the selection of the finished concrete should also be taken into account in the transport situation. Such as: whether direct pumping or vehicle delivery. The volume of the conveying vehicle is also an important basis for deciding the model of the mixing plant.

3. Construction environment and construction objects; when choosing to buy a concrete mixing plant, you should fully consider the impact of the construction objects and the construction environment, so as to ensure the smooth construction and construction quality. In the following cases, we recommend you to be prepared.

4. When the site needs to pour a large amount of one-time, high quality requirements, and there is no nearby reinforcement of the mixing plant, it is best to choose two smaller specifications of the mixing plant, or choose a main and a pair of dual-machine preparation.

5. When the site is not easily accessible and it takes a lot of time for maintenance personnel to enter and leave the site, it is better to choose a double-machine station with the same smaller specifications, or prepare enough spare parts, so as to ensure the smooth progress of construction.

6. When the construction sites are more scattered, but the distance between the sites is not too far, the delivery radius of the concrete mixer truck is not more than half an hour's drive, and the delivery of the dump truck is not more than 10 minutes' drive. It is better to adopt multi-worker centralised mixing to improve the utilisation rate of the mixing plant and the economic benefits of construction.

7. Operator quality; generally speaking, small mixing plant structure is simple, the control system is also simple, so the operation and maintenance personnel requirements are low. The larger station has a complex structure and high degree of automation, so the operator's requirements are also higher. Therefore, when you buy a mixing plant in addition to consider the previous factors, you should also consider the factors in this article.

8. Formulation selection; in general, manufacturers have mature product formulations, such as specifications, quantities, varieties and so on. You can put forward your special requirements when ordering products. We will try our best to meet your requirements. But in the purchase of products should not be greedy for the whole, which will cause the economy does not want to waste. In addition to the prices of different manufacturers, you should pay special attention to the preparation lists of different manufacturers. In addition to the above specifications, varieties and quantities, the most important thing is the manufacturer of matching parts. In summary, you can always choose the most suitable model for you. When choosing the model, do not pursue the best, but should pursue the most suitable and meet your needs, because this choice is the most economical and effective.