Tianyu Concrete Mixing Plant Equipment Maintenance

2021/10/28 09:53

As a Shandong concrete company with more than 30 years of experience, Tianyu concrete mixing plant has formed a complete set of maintenance system for mixing plant equipment in the past production and operation, and the stable production of high-quality concrete products is no longer a dream!

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I. Inspection and maintenance of concrete mixing plant equipment before and after use.


Mixing plant equipment needs routine inspection before and after use to facilitate timely detection of problems and solve them. 

Before use, we should check whether the air pressure of the air compressor is stable, whether the water pump is sufficient, whether the management is smooth, and whether the hopper door of the silo, cement hopper door, intermediate aggregate hopper door and discharge door are flexible to close, whether the connecting bolts of the mixing machine blades are firm, whether the electrical devices are safe, etc.


After use, the maintenance work of concrete equipment should be done.

① Clean up the dust inside and outside the mixing tank wall, the concrete residues on the discharge port, mixing shaft and discharge door, and rinse these places with water. Clean the truck, additive tank and its supply system with water. 

② During the freezing season, the work should be finished by releasing all the residual water and additive in the pump, additive pump, water tank, additive tank, water and additive pipeline to prevent damage to the pump and its pipeline, and start the additive pump of the pump to run for 1-2 minutes.


Second, the main points of mixing plant equipment maintenance and repair include cleaning, fastening, adjustment, lubrication and protection. 

Cleaning is to keep the surface of the equipment motor, gearbox, inside and outside the mixer, material door and other parts of the clean and clean. Check whether the connection of each part of the equipment is firm and there is no leakage of electricity, oil and water. If the phenomenon of looseness is found, it should be tightened and reinforced in time, or replace the screws or accessories.

Lubrication, that is, regular replacement, refilling the lubricating oil of each lubrication point of the equipment, in order to maintain the lubrication between the parts, smooth and reduce wear. 

Protection, mainly including moisture, rust, acid, anti-wear, etc., generally through the application of paint, grease to achieve. For example, regularly to the mechanical appearance of the equipment paint, to prevent rust.


Third, regular inspection and maintenance items.

① Check the sealing gap of the discharge door, when the gap is too large, it should be adjusted, the sealing gap is generally around 2mm.

② Check whether the reducer lubrication is deteriorated, or less than the requirements, if necessary, refill or replace;

③Check the wear and tear of the big gear; 

④Check the water supply and additive system, there should be no leakage;

⑤ Supporting parts, such as electric, gear reducer, cylinder, vibrator, air filter, etc., should be maintained and repaired according to the routine and with reference to the manufacturer's instruction manual;

⑥Mixing plant, half a year should be maintained once, check the reliability of all bolted parts, overhaul period should generally be overhauled once in about 4000 hours of work.