Attention to Clean of the Concrete Batching Plant

2022/06/20 16:59

What should I pay attention to when cleaning the concrete mixing plant?

1. Regularly carry out maintenance and repair operations on the concrete mixing plant for the items specified in the maintenance, such as cleaning, lubrication and oiling, etc.

2. before starting the concrete mixing plant, check whether the controllers are good. After stopping work, pour water and stones into the mixing cylinder for 10~15 minutes for cleaning, and then clear the water and stones out. If the operator enters the mixing cylinder for cleaning, besides cutting off the power and removing the fuse, the switch box should be locked.

3. It is forbidden to use sledgehammer to remove the concrete accumulated in the barrel of the concrete mixer, only chisel can be used to remove it.

In the cold season, the mixer drum should be cleaned with water after work and the water pump, water tank and water pipe should be discharged to avoid freezing of the pump, water tank and water pipe.

concrete batching station