Concrete mixing plant forced mixer power is not enough, how to solve?

2022/05/30 10:36

Concrete mixing plant forced mixer power is not enough, how to solve?

 In the use of concrete mixing plant host-JS series forced mixer when mixing no power, mixing a tank of material for a long time, mixing material is not uniform, what is the cause of this?

    To be checked and found that the site in order to improve production, let a party of forced concrete mixer each time to mix 1.5 square material, resulting in the mixing tank filled with sand and gravel aggregate pounding, so the mixing is not strong. The site was retrained and explained how to use it, and the problem was solved.

    Through this situation, we found that the concrete mixing plant host mixing is not strong, slow material production in addition to the mixing tank sand and gravel aggregate full of pounding situation, or two other reasons may also cause this situation: First, the concrete mixing plant host motor power.

    First, the concrete mixing plant host motor power and speed mismatch, may be the motor power is too low, or speed is too low.

    Second, the site voltage instability, voltage instability is caused by the mixing plant host no energy, slow material production is the most common situation, so be sure to take it seriously.