Factors that affect the work of concrete mixing plant?

2022/01/17 10:04

Factors that affect the work of concrete mixing plant?

      Concrete mixing plant as highways, bridges, water conservancy, docks and other industrial and civil construction machinery and equipment, is one of our indispensable products now, but in recent years, especially the improper operation of engineering concrete mixing plant, which affects the work performance of concrete mixing plant is an important factor is the material mortar, today we will see what specific factors.

      1.The number of cement slurry, large activity. Too much, flow pulp; too little, collapse.

      2.The consistency of cement paste

      The consistency of cement paste is determined by the water-cement ratio. Small water-cement ratio, cement paste thick, small activity, cohesion, good water retention. Too small, can not guarantee the construction of dense; too large, reduce the strength and durability.

      3. Sand rate cement paste must be, sand rate is too large, dry thick, small activity; too small, cement paste loss, segregation.

      4. Cement varieties and aggregate properties

       Cement fine, good activity. Pebble concrete than crushed concrete activity is good.