How to solve the problem of reversing valve of concrete mixer?

2022/05/23 10:00

How to solve the problem of reversing valve of concrete mixer?

       The reversing valve does not change direction in time or the reversing initiative is slow, usually due to poor smoothness, stuck or damaged spring, oil or impurities stuck in the local sliding and other reasons. In this regard, it should reflect whether the task of oil misters is normal; whether the viscosity of smooth oil is appropriate. If necessary, replace the smooth oil, clean the sliding part of the reversing valve, or replace the spring and reversing valve.

         After long-term use of the reversing valve, it is easy to have the spool seal ring wear, valve stem, valve seat damage, gas leakage in the valve, valve action slow or can not be normal reversing and other failures. In this case, the seal, stem and seat should be replaced, or replace the reversing valve.

         The plug valve plug shape can be cylindrical or conical. In the cylindrical valve plug, the channel is generally rectangular; in the conical valve plug, the channel is trapezoidal. These shapes make the plug valve lighter in construction, but they also cause some losses.

         Plug valves are suitable for cutting off and connecting media and diversions, but depending on the applicability and corrosion resistance of the sealing surface, they can sometimes be used for throttling.

         Due to the wiping effect of the movement between the sealing surfaces of the concrete mixing plant plug valve, it can completely prevent contact with the flowing medium and can usually also be used for media with suspended particles.


wet concrete mixer