How to use concrete mixing plant correctly to reduce the wear and tear of mixing arm

2022/03/14 09:28

  Concrete mixing plant is often damaged by misuse, thus affecting the use of equipment, of which the equipment mixing arm wear is the key to seriously affect the efficiency of the use of equipment, for which the next on the handling of its causes serious wear and tear of equipment to ensure the use.

  1. When placing the mixer, should be placed flat, front and rear axle pad square wood, so that the top of the tires, to avoid moving during the operation of the machine.

  2. The mixer should take secondary leakage protection measures. Before operation should be carefully checked after the power is connected, empty test run normal before use. During the test run, the mixing cylinder speed should be checked to see if it is normal. Generally speaking, the empty car is 2-3 revolutions faster than the loaded car. If the difference is large, the ratio of wheel to transmission wheel should be adjusted.

  3. The rotation direction of the mixing cylinder should be the same as the arrow direction. If it is different, the motor wiring should be corrected.

       4. Check whether the transmission clutch and brake are normal and reliable, whether the steel wire rope is damaged, whether the crawler wheel is intact, whether there are obstacles around, the lubrication of each joint, etc.

concrete mixing station

       5.During the operation, pay attention to whether the mixer parts are working normally. After stopping the machine, often check whether the mixing blade is deformed and whether the screws are loose or fallen.

       6. After completion, stir with stones and water in the drum to mix the materials attached to the wall of the mixing cylinder and then unload them. No water shall accumulate in the mixing cylinder to avoid rusting of the cylinder wall and mixing blades.

       7. When not in use, the power should be cut off and the switch box should be locked to ensure safe use.