The operation of the Concrete Mixing Station

2022/06/27 15:23

Concrete mixing plant operation procedures

A. The installation of concrete mixing plant should be carried out by professionals according to the factory manual, and the commissioning should be organized under the auspices of technical personnel.

Second, the air compressor, belt conveyor and concrete mixer equipment supporting the mixing plant should implement the corresponding operating procedures.

Three, before the operation of the inspection items should meet the following requirements.

(1) The transmission and movement parts of the mixing cylinder and each supporting mechanism, as well as the barn door, bucket door and track are free of foreign objects stuck.

(2) The oil level of each lubricating oil tank is in accordance with the regulations.

(3) open the valve to discharge the excess water in the air-water separator in the air system, and open the drain plug of the air storage cylinder to release the oil-water mixture.

(4) the hoisting hopper wire rope installation, reel winding are correct, wire rope and pulley in line with the provisions of the hoisting hopper brake sensitive and effective.

(5) The bolts of each part have been tightened, the inlet and outlet valves have no over-limit wear, the tension of each conveyor belt is appropriate and does not run off.

(6) all control and display parts of the weighing device work normally, and its accuracy is in accordance with the provisions.

(7) Each electrical device can effectively control the mechanical action, and there is no obvious damage to each contact point and dynamic and static contacts.

Forth. Each part of the mixing unit should be started gradually. After starting, the operation of each part and the indication of each meter should be normal, and the pressure of oil, gas and water should meet the requirements before starting the operation.

Fifth. During the operation, it is strictly forbidden to enter the storage area and the lifting hopper.

Sixth. The mixing cylinder should be covered before starting. During the operation of the machine, it is strictly forbidden to put hands or feet into the hopper or mixing cylinder to feel.

7. When the shovel is stuck by an obstacle, it shall not be pulled up forcibly, and no heavy objects shall be lifted by the shovel, and no rotary operation shall be carried out in the process of pulling materials.

8. When the mixer is fully loaded, it shall not be shut down. In case of failure or power failure, the power shall be cut off immediately, the switch box shall be locked, the concrete in the mixing cylinder shall be cleared, and then the fault shall be removed or the power shall be restored.

9. The machinery of the mixing plant shall not be overloaded; the operation of the motor shall be checked, and when abnormal running sound or high temperature rise is found, it shall be stopped immediately for inspection; the operation shall not be forced when the voltage is too low.

10. The mixer should be unloaded before shutdown, and then in order to close the various switches and pipelines. All the cement in the spiral tube should be transported out, and no material should be left in the tube.

11. After operation, the mixing cylinder, discharge door and hopper should be cleaned and flushed with water, and the additive and its supply system should be flushed. The knife seat and knife mouth of the weighing system should be cleaned and the weighing accuracy should be ensured.

12. During the freezing season, drain the water in the pump, additive pump, water tank and additive tank, and start the pump and additive pump to run for 1~2min.

13. When the mixing plant is transferred or stopped, the water tank, additive tank, cement, sand, stone storage hopper and weighing hopper should be emptied and cleaned. During the transfer, the bar scale should be fixed with the balance weight on the head and the sensor should be unloaded.

14. When the cement bin is blocked, first close the valve of the cement bin and forbid to put your hand into the spiral pipe to clean the cement, open the upper cover of the pipe and the two discharge ports of the pipe immediately and use a wrench to rotate the shaft in reverse to clear all the blocked cement and restore the function of the spiral pipe.

15. Each production must strictly control the water-cement ratio, and must check the moisture of the aggregate before discharging, not to convey the concrete with excessive moisture, otherwise it is very easy to cause the pump pipe blockage.

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