The role of concrete storage bin in concrete mixing plant?

2023/08/02 14:20

Finished product silos are used in concrete batching plants to store the finished concrete that has been prepared. Once the raw concrete material has been properly mixed and blended in the mixing plant to prepare concrete that meets the specifications and requirements, it is transported to the finished product silo for storage.

Finished product silos serve the following purposes:

Storage: Finished product silos can hold large quantities of finished concrete to ensure adequate supply to meet construction needs. This helps maintain continuity of production and ensures that the construction schedule is not interrupted.

Quality Control: Finished product silos allow the concrete to sit and cope for a period of time to maintain its quality and performance. Concrete may be required to reach a specific strength at a specific time, so storage in the silo ensures that it is properly cured before it reaches the required strength.

Supply Blending: The silo allows for the supply of concrete to be blended as needed. When concrete is needed, the silo delivers it to the construction site via a conveyor system to meet the actual needs of the site.

In short, the finished product silo plays an important role in storing and distributing finished concrete in a concrete mixing plant to ensure a continuous supply and to meet construction quality requirements.