Three principles of daily maintenance of mixing plant

2022/01/25 10:37

Three principles of daily maintenance of mixing plant

  Do you know how to maintain the mixing plant on a daily basis? What maintenance work should be done? Which areas need to be checked? Is the quality of good service life is long? In fact, in addition to the quality of the mixing plant has a great relationship with the life of the plant, and the usual maintenance is also inseparable. Daily maintenance work is done well, so that each part of the mixing plant parts can play its highest efficacy, then the mixing plant will naturally run smoothly and have a long life.

  The following is a detailed description of the maintenance procedures of the mixing plant by part. If you insist on the following points every day, your mixing plant will last for many more years. Maintenance may seem tedious, but there are actually rules and regulations to follow. We can summarize three important points: First, the cleaning work is done, second, the bolts must be tightened, and third, the lubricant must be added enough. The daily basic maintenance of the mixing plant try to do the above three points, and the spare parts used are purchased from the regular manufacturers, basically can ensure the service life of the mixing plant.

  Shandong Tianyu Machinery is a professional manufacturer of concrete mixing equipment, with more than 30 years of rich experience in building plants. If you need concrete mixing equipment, we welcome you to visit our factory at any time!

concrete mixing plant

 1.Mixing machine

  ①Clean up: Discharge the accumulated material in the mixing drum after the daily shift, knock off the cement blocks adhering to the drum wall, mixing arm, shaft and blade and flush them with water. Clean the dust on the sprocket cover and bottom travel switch. ②Check the fastening bolts: the fastening bolts should be fastened firmly and tightened immediately if there is any loosening, especially the mixing blade bolts should not be loosened. ③Lubrication: start the thick oil pump or manual oil pump to refuel the shaft end of the stirring every day before the shift until the oil at the shaft end is extruded. This procedure should also be carried out at the interval before the start of the machine, 3-4 times per shift. Every day before the shift start the mixer idle, with the oil gun to the transmission chain to add a small amount of lubricant.

  2.Material lifting system

  ①Clean up: remove the material at the bottom of the machine in time. ②Check and adjust: the steering roller rotation is flexible, no noise, no loose fastening bolts. Check the belt wear and tear, check the belt runaway degree and be adjusted. ③Check the bearings and lubricate them with grease.

  3.Mixing plant batching machine

  ①Clean up: Discharge the materials in the bucket after the daily shift, and clear the debris in the lower part of the machine in time. ②Checking and adjusting: the suspension bar of the weighing hopper is not stuck by foreign objects, the transmission parts of the conveyor are flexible and there is no strange sound. The groove pressure edge rubber and belt close fit. Look at the belt wear, find out the cause and discharge. Check the degree of belt runout and adjust it. Check whether the vibrator fixing bolts are loose and re-tighten them. Check each bearing and lubricate with grease.

  4.Cement and fly ash weighing hopper

  ① clean up: every day after the shift will weigh the lifting part of the dust brush removed. ② check the screws on each scale rod, loose to be tightened. ③ lubrication: in the weighing crane pivot parts filled with a little lubricant.

  5. Screw conveyor

  ① check: it is strictly prohibited to store cement in the screw machine for a long time, if the machine is to be discontinued for a period of time, the cement in the screw machine should be completely discharged clean. Check daily that the import and export canvas receiver is locked and fitted, and there is no water leakage. ②Lubrication: fill the transmission chain with a little lubricating oil by using the oil gun, and fill the two sides of the shaft end with calcium-based lubricating grease by using the grease gun. ③Check the screws at each connection and tighten them if they are loose.

  6.Cement silo

  ①Check: The roof of the silo should be covered tightly after the daily shift to prevent water leakage. ② lubrication: grease gun to the bearing parts with a little N68 (HJ-40) lubricating oil, to both sides of the shaft end filled with calcium-based grease. ③ check the screws on each scale rod, loose to be tightened.

  7.The whole machine external

  ① check the connection bolts: bolts such as loose, displacement, should be corrected, tightened. ② check the subsidiary parts: such as defective parts, deformation, failure, should be supplemented, corrected, repaired or replaced. ③ check the operation of the machine: each part should be normal operation, no strange sound and undesirable friction, responsible for identifying the causes, to be excluded. The motor, reducer and transmission parts, bearings do not overheat.