What are the measures of environmentally friendly concrete mixing plant?

2022/07/16 09:25

First. Handling of dust

From the main station to the backyard dust to be solved, the main station adopts high efficiency pulse back-blowing active dust removal, plus large lantern dust removal, installation of mainstream fans to keep the air in the station fresh, powder tank using bin top dust removal and ground centralized dust collection, can also be concentrated on the batching layer platform dust collection, through the screw conveyor to the powder weighing, mixing station using pressurized spray unloading water to reduce the amount of dust in the mixer, the backyard encapsulated above the room after Spraying device is installed on the shelf, spraying treatment is carried out at the turning point of forklift loading, and there will be no dust raised when the forklift goes back and forth in the work, and proper spraying of aggregate can reduce the dust of aggregate, and spraying device can also be set on the guide chute between flat belt and inclined belt, which can be programmed to handle the aggregate.

Second, noise treatment

The air compressor is enclosed in the room, which can reduce the noise. The main station is improved with various kinds of vibration damping, the operation room is designed independently to reduce vibration and noise, and the background material yard is fully enclosed with color steel plate, which can reduce noise.

Third. Sewage treatment

The wastewater produced by using sand separator to wash the mixing tanker is precipitated to the mixing pond through primary, secondary and tertiary, and is recycled through the electric control experiment, so there is no wastewater pollution to the outside world.

Fourth, the plant greening

According to the standard of garden, high standard greening is adopted with trees, irrigation, flowers and plants. For example, garden landscapes are set up in the center of flower beds, bonsai are placed in the office area, and flowers and plants are planted around the fence, so that the commercial concrete station truly reflects the humanistic concept of garden style. The greening area accounts for 30% of the area of the office and living area of the centralized commercial concrete station.

The above four items can be considered as a qualified environmental protection mixing plant. The fully enclosed mixing plant is only the most basic external performance, and if the key problems are not solved, the mixing plant will only be banned sooner or later.
