Winter maintenance method of gas supply system of commercial concrete mixing plant

2022/01/03 09:20

Winter maintenance method of gas supply system of commercial concrete mixing plant

Winter maintenance of the gas supply system in winter without stopping work.


Commercial Concrete

Batching Plant

Condensate discharge.

  Condensate discharge involves the entire pneumatic system, from the air compressor, air tank, piping system, air filter and automatic drain, etc. At the end of the operation of the commercial concrete mixing plant, the condensate should be discharged from all places to prevent the condensate from freezing at night when the temperature is below zero. As the temperature inside the pipeline drops at night, condensate will be further precipitated, so the pneumatic device should be discharged before the operation every day, pay attention to check whether the automatic drain is working properly and the water cup should not be overstocked with water.


Commercial concrete mixing plant

To check the lubricant in time.

1.When the pneumatic device is running, check whether the oil dripping from the oil mister meets the requirements and whether the oil color is normal, i.e. the oil should not be mixed with dust and water, etc;

2.The best oil atomizer once a week: oil replenishment should pay attention to the reduction of oil volume. If the oil consumption is too little, the amount of oil dripping should be readjusted; after the adjustment, the amount of oil is still little or no oil dripping, the import and export of the oil atomizer should be checked to see if it is installed backwards, and if the pipe is blocked. To understand whether the amount of lubricant contained is moderate, the method is to put a clean white paper near the exhaust port of the reversing valve, the valve in the work of three to four cycles, if there are only very light spots on the white paper, indicating good lubrication, oil mist content suitable.


Commercial concrete mixing plant

Maintenance of air compressor.

1.Check for air leakage, see if there is any air leakage;

2.Check whether the motor triangle drive belt is loose and aging;

3.Pay special attention to the oil replenishment in the crankcase of the air compressor, the oil should not be lower than the lower limit of the sight glass, and replenish or replace the oil in accordance with the winter viscosity according to the air compressor nameplate.