System Operation Steps of Commercial Concrete Mixing Plant Production ProcessConcrete mixing plant is composed of aggregate batching, aggregate feeding, powder storage, powder feeding, water admixture pipeline, batching and discharging system, mixing and discharging system, air system, control and…
2022/08/24 10:45
How to determine whether the concrete mixing plant is maintained in place?First. Maintenance check of the control room.  The control room is the base of the mixing plant, it is equivalent to the human brain, the control room has electrical components such as industrial control machine, monitor,…
2022/08/22 08:13
The environmental protection problem of concrete mixing plant is improved  In recent years, with the high belt development of the construction industry, ready-mixed concrete has been widely used in construction projects as a basic construction project material. With the continuous strengthening of…
2022/08/16 08:48
  What is the productivity of 120 concrete mixing plant? What is the daily output?  When the HZS120 vibrating mixing plant actually produces concrete, the transportation link is very important, and if the transportation efficiency does not go up, then the equipment production efficiency will also…
2022/08/15 09:51
Concrete mixing plant cylinder failure causes and solutions       Concrete mixing plant components include 5 major systems and some other ancillary facilities, building aggregate metering compared to station aggregate metering, there are four intermediate links to reduce, so make the production…
2022/08/08 09:08
  As you know, in many places China's infrastructure construction team is called "infrastructure maniac", which is a special compliment to China's infrastructure construction industry. And it is for this reason that China's commercial concrete as one of the indispensable industries in the last…
2022/07/22 08:00
Concrete mixing plant technology status and its development trend, do you know?  Concrete mixing plant is a kind of electromechanical equipment that measures cement, water, aggregate, admixture, admixture and other materials according to the concrete proportioning requirements, and then mixes them…
2022/07/16 09:41
First. Handling of dustFrom the main station to the backyard dust to be solved, the main station adopts high efficiency pulse back-blowing active dust removal, plus large lantern dust removal, installation of mainstream fans to keep the air in the station fresh, powder tank using bin top dust…
2022/07/16 09:25
Some common sense notes that must be known before putting the concrete mixing plant into use (operation workbook)Precautions before starting the machine1、Prepare qualified sand, stone aggregate, etc. according to the performance standard of the concrete mixing plant, and those beyond the permitted…
2022/07/06 16:44
How to ensure the accuracy of the weighing system of high-efficiency concrete mixing plant  1.In order to ensure the accuracy of concrete mixing plant aggregate measurement, the aggregate weighing scale must be calibrated once a month.  2.In order to ensure the measurement accuracy of powder in…
2022/07/01 17:19